Harry was finishing a quill with the full Quidditch Team layout and was exchanging ideas with Ron about the plays they should do next saturday. Ron even offered to knock out Malfoy just for kicks, but Harry wouldn't take it. He zipped a bit of alcohol and kept writing.
He was feeling better about himself, still, he couldn't let go of that tiny little bottle. He could hear Marie's voice in his head "you're not a murderer Harry" but he felt he was. Still, he was more cheerful than usual.
Hermione walked in and Ron demanded to know where she was, since it was so late at night. "I was with Professor McGonagall." Harry knew perfectly well what that was about. They were almost alone, except for Neville, who was reading in the airchair, practising telekinesis.
"So Hermione, what did you find out in Hogsmeade?" She went completaly pale, as if she had seen a ghost. She remembered the Marauder's Map. It was pointless to deny anything.
"I found a name. And there is no record whatsoever on our teacher." She said this last part whispering, and looking over the shoulder to Neville. He looked right at her and got up. "Look Hermione, I know you don't trust her, but if she's hiding something, don't you think Dumbledore probably knows about it? He's not stupid you know."
All 3 stared at him. He definetly knew more than what he said, still they knew he wouldn't talk.
Harry disregarded Neville's comment and asked Hermione what was the name. She told them about the footnote in the trial, but didn't mention anything about the children. "I'm sure she's related, I mean, they're called the same way, it cannot be a coincidence." Ron mentioned she might be Phillys' wife. "Maybe she found a way to hide, I dunno." But that made no sense. She wouldn't use the same name and she'd be as old as Lupin at least. "No, its not that Ron, but she has to do with it, I'm sure of that."
Harry remembered then what he had seen that same afternoon after the loud thunder.
It wasn't the same old Scabbers' nightmare he used to have, this one was different. It was a little girl, next to a crib, facing a Deadeater.
"Ask her tomorrow, we'll see how she reacts." Neville didn't approve of that but he had no way to let Maggie know.
The Auror Tests were around the corner and Maggie was to take them, like the other senior student that'll go to Auror College. The only difference was that she was their teacher, and didn't have to look like she was taking them as well.
Class started on thursday morning like any other class, talking about what they've seen the previous one and practising a bit. In this case, they wouldn't practise. She wouldn't let the guys throw the Drilling Curse on each other, nor Oblivion.
"So Draco, how do you get rid off those curses we saw last monday?" Draco didn't like so much attention in this class. He told the class there was no way to get rid off those curses, except having the person that threw them killed. Maggie didn't agree. "Well, that's not entirely true. With some rest and muggle medicine you can cure yourself from Sectusempra. Oblivion is a bit harder, you need a drop of blood of the one you love. But the drilling curse, well, you have to excercise TK in order to break the curser's wand. That's the way." She looked at him. "It was a good try though."
Hermione raised her hand, which was shocking. "Yes Hermione?" Maggie sensed she was after something. She looked at Hermione but she had learnt Occlumency, so, she couldn't look at her thoughts. "I'm doing a research for my Court Application." Silence followed. "I'll study Law next year, I'd like to work at the Ministry, and I've been doing some research on the Dark Trials."
Maggie kept listening, but she started writing the countercurses for Sectusempra and Oblivion. "I was wondering if you knew who Phillys Smith was." Maggie's chok broke. Silence filled the room. Maggie turned around and looked puzzled. "Where ehm, where did you hear that name?"
They knew they were on to something. "I read it in one of the Trials at the Library, do you know who he is?" Maggie sat down in the desk as usual. Harry's scar started hurting again, it had never stopped hurting actually, but no one knew.
Maggie put her hands together and started closing the right one, she seemed to be in pain. "I believe arm, that he was a Deadeater, like Snape. He turned and help the Order, which got him and his family killed. Is that good enough?" Hermione looked at her and saw pain in her eyes. After a while of looking at nothing, Neville asked her about the Auror Tests.
"I can't tell you when they'll be Neville, but you'll be fine don't worry." Then she looked at Hermione and smiled. "Hermione..." She knew that sooner or later she'll figure out who she really was. "What else do you want to know about him? Not that I know much of course." Hermione realized Maggie didn't care about it, it was as if she wanted Hermione to find out more.
"Well, what really got my attention was his wife's name." Maggie giggled "Yeah, she was named just like me, that always called my attention, ever since I first heard the story from Dumbledore." That was a magical word, naming Dumbledore would make anyone desist.
"Anyway, where were we?" Jean was telling her about the counterspells and deriving curses when they heard an alarm. "Jean, Draco, Nev and Harry, come with me. Hermione, lead the rest to their respective houses. FAST!" They took off separate ways. Neville was pale and Draco was eagered to finally see some action.
"Where are we going Professor?" Maggie didn't know what to answer. "You are to be Aurors, you'll help the teachers with this alarm, let's go."
After 10 minutes of wondering around the corridors and seeing no teacher besides Maggie, Draco told them it was probably the Auror's Test. Maggie didn't say anything but nodded. They came to a turn and split in 2 teams, Neville and Harry with Maggie and Draco and Jean on the other side. "Guys please, if anything happens at all, ask for help, please." Draco winked at her and took off.
Harry got slightly jealous at the gesture and Maggie a bit upset. "What the? Men... All the same." She hit Harry's arm and started walking the opposite way when she felt an excruciating pain in her right arm. It was too strong to bare. Harry tried to help her but his scar started hurting. Neville then looked up and saw a giant vampire, dressed as a Deadeater. His mind went blank and his friend and his favorite teacher were passing out.
Neville started fighting the vampire, keeping it away from them, which were an easy pray, slowly they started feeling better. Harry run to a chair and broke it and threw the wood to Neville, who catched it in a second and stabbed the vampire in the heart. It vanished in brown dust. They helped Maggie up and saw her hand all reddish. "I'm fine, it's just an old wound." She stepped next to the dust and she felt her heart stopping for a minute. "I dont think this was a part of the test, we have to find Jean and Draco."
They started running towards the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw but found a shapeshifter and a troll instead. "We'll take the Troll, you take the Shapeshifter." Harry was getting in charge and she couldn't be more proud. Harry and Neville took care of it in less than 5 minutes and though it fought back they left almost unharmed.
Still, on the heat of the fight, they had also lost Professor Matthews and the Shapeshifter. They decided to stick together, just in case something else like the vampire would come along. They entered the Trophees room and found two professor Matthews wrestling. They were more than puzzled. A weird demon grabbed Neville from behind and Maggie told Harry to help him but Neville told him to help Maggie.
Neville was taken away and Harry stayed on the room, staring at the Maries. They were both saying the other was the Shapeshifter and Harry knew that if he aimed at the wrong one, he could kill Marie. He thought of asking them what she had given him for his birthday, when the Marie on the floor told him "I gave you a Quartz Stone." He vanquished the one on top and helped her up.
She looked at him with dissapointment "Oh Harry, haven't you learned Occlumency two years ago?" She started walking faster to catch Neville, who was finishing off the Demon. She was very proud of him. They started walking slowly again, and Harry asked her about Draco and Jean. "Oh, don't worry about them, Snape should be with them by now." She didn't want to worry the guys, after all she was their teacher.
She started walking faster "So guys, that was the Auror test." She whispered in between their heads "You both passed." They both stopped and stared behind her and Harry's scar started hurting again. Maggie looked at his scar and their faces and was afraid of turning around.
When she did, she found Draco on the floor, surrounded by blood. Something was written on the wall, something the guys couldn't understand. "One by one they'll die." They run towards Draco and she checked his pulse. He wasn't breathing.
"Harry run for help, Snape HAS to be around, see if you can find Jean, go!" Harry looked at her. "Neville, remember what I taught you about CPR? Let's do that." Maggie looked at Harry again. "Go Harry, I trust you, you'll be fine, now GO! She might be worse than him!"
Harry run away through the alley and saw a path of bloody footsteps, that ended next to Jean's body. Next to her there was another note on the wall "First the Traitors, then the Heirs."
When he read that last word, he realized it will never be over.
Maggie was breathing air into Draco's mouth and Neville doing the compressions to his heart when Harry came to them carrying Jane. "She has a pulse, she's just unconscious." She was also bleeding. He didn't mention the last part of the phrase.
Draco was not coming back and Neville was about to give up when she breathed on his mouth one last time. She closed her eyes and put her left hand over his forehead. Draco started coughing and was very dizzy.
They all smiled "Draco, Draco, who am I?" Malfoy looked at her "The most annoying teacher I've ever met." Neville smiled. "You're right, can you get up Malfoy?" His arm hurt and itched. She hadn't paid much attention to his arm until that moment. She saw a burnt in his shirt and a round hole. She touched it and checked his back. "You don't have an exit wound, damn, you need a doctor." Neville helped her carry Draco and they all headed to the Hospital wing. She then checked Jane's belly (where she was bleeding from) and she had also been shot.
Neville asked her what were those things, but Harry answered instead. "They've been shot." Neville looked puzzled. "Someone used muggle things against them."
Jane was looking a lot worse than Draco and they both needed a muggle doctor. Madame Pomfrey tried to heal them but magic wouldn't work on that. Dumbledore refused to take them to the Hospital.
Draco was whining, begging for attention. Minerva was trying to talk senses into Dumbledore but he wouldn't. Maggie asked Harry to get her celphone from her room. "Go, the password is Ewan, go go." Dumbledore asked her what she thought she was doing when he saw her breaking Draco's and Jane's shirts. "I'm checking their wounds. Sarah taught me. Oh this looks bad, she really needs a doctor Albus, GET A FREAKING DOCTOR ALBUS!"
They all went silent. Harry came in with her celphone and was shocked about it. Maggie asked him to make compressions on Jane's tummy and asked Neville to look for medical supplies.
Professor McGonagall told Dumbledore she'll call Jane's parents and also Seamus's dad. He was a doctor. Dumbledore couldn't believe his ears. "Albus, Marie is right, this is serious."
Maggie dialed a number and started talking next to Draco. "Hi auntie, yeah it's me. I need your help, fast." Harry kept switching towels and tought of leading some energy to Jane, see if that helped her.
Once Neville brought her the supplies she asked him to hold the cel for her. "Allright, I'm listening. No, we don't have lidocaine." She took off her belt and told Draco to bite it. He looked at her with mistrust. "Look Malfoy, I'm the closest thing to a doctor we have right now. You're gonna bite that stupid thing and keep it together like a man. This won't hurt a bit." She said that last thing looking at the wound with disguse.
"Yeah, well, how do I remove the bullet? Yeah, I got it." She got some silver scissors, washed them with alcohol and sticked them in this wound. Neville was holding a handerchief around her mouth since she didn't want to spit on his wound or anything. Draco screamed in pain and Harry turned around. Jane was bleeding less and had more colour.
Maggie then realized what he was doing "Harry don't! Stop that right now. That's an order." But Harry wouldn't. "She still has a bullet inside of her, if you close the wound it will stay in. It might get infected." She looked at Jane and extended her hand "Petrificus Totalus."
If she was petrified, she wouldn't bleed, she'd stay catatonic for a while.
She finally removed the bullet from Draco's body. It was a small golden thing. Draco looked at it and her and felt like fainting. She cured the wound. She kept saying ok or yes to whomever was on the phone. After that she stitched is arm and put a bandaid on it. Then she smiled to Draco.
"I'm very proud of you Malfoy." She told Mme. Pomfrey to give him a painkiller and she moved to the next bed, not before washing her hands. She looked at Jane's wound, which was a lot smaller than before thanks to Harry.
"I don't get it. This was muggle inflicted, you shouldn't have been able to do this." Harry looked at her and told her maybe it was a muggle artefact but with some sort of enchantment. Besides that, he was Harry Potter after all.
"Yeah, you are the Golden Boy. Hadn't thought of that." Minerva came into the Hospital Wing saying she hadn't been able to locate Jane or Draco's parents but that a portal was ready to take them to St Mungo's. Seamus' dad will be waiting for them there. She looked at Draco's arm and heard Neville's short description on what just happened.
Minerva smiled with pride and took Jane to the portkey. They vanished after a while. She remembered the cel phone and picked it up. "Thanks auntie, I'll call you later."
"This was definetly not a part of the Auror Test." They sighed and sat on Jane's bed, which was next to Draco's. He had passed out now.
Everything was quite a mess for all of them. Dumbledore not wanting to get a muggle doctor, bullets in Hogwarts, Marie using a celphone to call someone... and that phrase written in blood in the wall...
He was feeling better about himself, still, he couldn't let go of that tiny little bottle. He could hear Marie's voice in his head "you're not a murderer Harry" but he felt he was. Still, he was more cheerful than usual.
Hermione walked in and Ron demanded to know where she was, since it was so late at night. "I was with Professor McGonagall." Harry knew perfectly well what that was about. They were almost alone, except for Neville, who was reading in the airchair, practising telekinesis.
"So Hermione, what did you find out in Hogsmeade?" She went completaly pale, as if she had seen a ghost. She remembered the Marauder's Map. It was pointless to deny anything.
"I found a name. And there is no record whatsoever on our teacher." She said this last part whispering, and looking over the shoulder to Neville. He looked right at her and got up. "Look Hermione, I know you don't trust her, but if she's hiding something, don't you think Dumbledore probably knows about it? He's not stupid you know."
All 3 stared at him. He definetly knew more than what he said, still they knew he wouldn't talk.
Harry disregarded Neville's comment and asked Hermione what was the name. She told them about the footnote in the trial, but didn't mention anything about the children. "I'm sure she's related, I mean, they're called the same way, it cannot be a coincidence." Ron mentioned she might be Phillys' wife. "Maybe she found a way to hide, I dunno." But that made no sense. She wouldn't use the same name and she'd be as old as Lupin at least. "No, its not that Ron, but she has to do with it, I'm sure of that."
Harry remembered then what he had seen that same afternoon after the loud thunder.
It wasn't the same old Scabbers' nightmare he used to have, this one was different. It was a little girl, next to a crib, facing a Deadeater.
"Ask her tomorrow, we'll see how she reacts." Neville didn't approve of that but he had no way to let Maggie know.
The Auror Tests were around the corner and Maggie was to take them, like the other senior student that'll go to Auror College. The only difference was that she was their teacher, and didn't have to look like she was taking them as well.
Class started on thursday morning like any other class, talking about what they've seen the previous one and practising a bit. In this case, they wouldn't practise. She wouldn't let the guys throw the Drilling Curse on each other, nor Oblivion.
"So Draco, how do you get rid off those curses we saw last monday?" Draco didn't like so much attention in this class. He told the class there was no way to get rid off those curses, except having the person that threw them killed. Maggie didn't agree. "Well, that's not entirely true. With some rest and muggle medicine you can cure yourself from Sectusempra. Oblivion is a bit harder, you need a drop of blood of the one you love. But the drilling curse, well, you have to excercise TK in order to break the curser's wand. That's the way." She looked at him. "It was a good try though."
Hermione raised her hand, which was shocking. "Yes Hermione?" Maggie sensed she was after something. She looked at Hermione but she had learnt Occlumency, so, she couldn't look at her thoughts. "I'm doing a research for my Court Application." Silence followed. "I'll study Law next year, I'd like to work at the Ministry, and I've been doing some research on the Dark Trials."
Maggie kept listening, but she started writing the countercurses for Sectusempra and Oblivion. "I was wondering if you knew who Phillys Smith was." Maggie's chok broke. Silence filled the room. Maggie turned around and looked puzzled. "Where ehm, where did you hear that name?"
They knew they were on to something. "I read it in one of the Trials at the Library, do you know who he is?" Maggie sat down in the desk as usual. Harry's scar started hurting again, it had never stopped hurting actually, but no one knew.
Maggie put her hands together and started closing the right one, she seemed to be in pain. "I believe arm, that he was a Deadeater, like Snape. He turned and help the Order, which got him and his family killed. Is that good enough?" Hermione looked at her and saw pain in her eyes. After a while of looking at nothing, Neville asked her about the Auror Tests.
"I can't tell you when they'll be Neville, but you'll be fine don't worry." Then she looked at Hermione and smiled. "Hermione..." She knew that sooner or later she'll figure out who she really was. "What else do you want to know about him? Not that I know much of course." Hermione realized Maggie didn't care about it, it was as if she wanted Hermione to find out more.
"Well, what really got my attention was his wife's name." Maggie giggled "Yeah, she was named just like me, that always called my attention, ever since I first heard the story from Dumbledore." That was a magical word, naming Dumbledore would make anyone desist.
"Anyway, where were we?" Jean was telling her about the counterspells and deriving curses when they heard an alarm. "Jean, Draco, Nev and Harry, come with me. Hermione, lead the rest to their respective houses. FAST!" They took off separate ways. Neville was pale and Draco was eagered to finally see some action.
"Where are we going Professor?" Maggie didn't know what to answer. "You are to be Aurors, you'll help the teachers with this alarm, let's go."
After 10 minutes of wondering around the corridors and seeing no teacher besides Maggie, Draco told them it was probably the Auror's Test. Maggie didn't say anything but nodded. They came to a turn and split in 2 teams, Neville and Harry with Maggie and Draco and Jean on the other side. "Guys please, if anything happens at all, ask for help, please." Draco winked at her and took off.
Harry got slightly jealous at the gesture and Maggie a bit upset. "What the? Men... All the same." She hit Harry's arm and started walking the opposite way when she felt an excruciating pain in her right arm. It was too strong to bare. Harry tried to help her but his scar started hurting. Neville then looked up and saw a giant vampire, dressed as a Deadeater. His mind went blank and his friend and his favorite teacher were passing out.
Neville started fighting the vampire, keeping it away from them, which were an easy pray, slowly they started feeling better. Harry run to a chair and broke it and threw the wood to Neville, who catched it in a second and stabbed the vampire in the heart. It vanished in brown dust. They helped Maggie up and saw her hand all reddish. "I'm fine, it's just an old wound." She stepped next to the dust and she felt her heart stopping for a minute. "I dont think this was a part of the test, we have to find Jean and Draco."
They started running towards the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw but found a shapeshifter and a troll instead. "We'll take the Troll, you take the Shapeshifter." Harry was getting in charge and she couldn't be more proud. Harry and Neville took care of it in less than 5 minutes and though it fought back they left almost unharmed.
Still, on the heat of the fight, they had also lost Professor Matthews and the Shapeshifter. They decided to stick together, just in case something else like the vampire would come along. They entered the Trophees room and found two professor Matthews wrestling. They were more than puzzled. A weird demon grabbed Neville from behind and Maggie told Harry to help him but Neville told him to help Maggie.
Neville was taken away and Harry stayed on the room, staring at the Maries. They were both saying the other was the Shapeshifter and Harry knew that if he aimed at the wrong one, he could kill Marie. He thought of asking them what she had given him for his birthday, when the Marie on the floor told him "I gave you a Quartz Stone." He vanquished the one on top and helped her up.
She looked at him with dissapointment "Oh Harry, haven't you learned Occlumency two years ago?" She started walking faster to catch Neville, who was finishing off the Demon. She was very proud of him. They started walking slowly again, and Harry asked her about Draco and Jean. "Oh, don't worry about them, Snape should be with them by now." She didn't want to worry the guys, after all she was their teacher.
She started walking faster "So guys, that was the Auror test." She whispered in between their heads "You both passed." They both stopped and stared behind her and Harry's scar started hurting again. Maggie looked at his scar and their faces and was afraid of turning around.
When she did, she found Draco on the floor, surrounded by blood. Something was written on the wall, something the guys couldn't understand. "One by one they'll die." They run towards Draco and she checked his pulse. He wasn't breathing.
"Harry run for help, Snape HAS to be around, see if you can find Jean, go!" Harry looked at her. "Neville, remember what I taught you about CPR? Let's do that." Maggie looked at Harry again. "Go Harry, I trust you, you'll be fine, now GO! She might be worse than him!"
Harry run away through the alley and saw a path of bloody footsteps, that ended next to Jean's body. Next to her there was another note on the wall "First the Traitors, then the Heirs."
When he read that last word, he realized it will never be over.
Maggie was breathing air into Draco's mouth and Neville doing the compressions to his heart when Harry came to them carrying Jane. "She has a pulse, she's just unconscious." She was also bleeding. He didn't mention the last part of the phrase.
Draco was not coming back and Neville was about to give up when she breathed on his mouth one last time. She closed her eyes and put her left hand over his forehead. Draco started coughing and was very dizzy.
They all smiled "Draco, Draco, who am I?" Malfoy looked at her "The most annoying teacher I've ever met." Neville smiled. "You're right, can you get up Malfoy?" His arm hurt and itched. She hadn't paid much attention to his arm until that moment. She saw a burnt in his shirt and a round hole. She touched it and checked his back. "You don't have an exit wound, damn, you need a doctor." Neville helped her carry Draco and they all headed to the Hospital wing. She then checked Jane's belly (where she was bleeding from) and she had also been shot.
Neville asked her what were those things, but Harry answered instead. "They've been shot." Neville looked puzzled. "Someone used muggle things against them."
Jane was looking a lot worse than Draco and they both needed a muggle doctor. Madame Pomfrey tried to heal them but magic wouldn't work on that. Dumbledore refused to take them to the Hospital.
Draco was whining, begging for attention. Minerva was trying to talk senses into Dumbledore but he wouldn't. Maggie asked Harry to get her celphone from her room. "Go, the password is Ewan, go go." Dumbledore asked her what she thought she was doing when he saw her breaking Draco's and Jane's shirts. "I'm checking their wounds. Sarah taught me. Oh this looks bad, she really needs a doctor Albus, GET A FREAKING DOCTOR ALBUS!"
They all went silent. Harry came in with her celphone and was shocked about it. Maggie asked him to make compressions on Jane's tummy and asked Neville to look for medical supplies.
Professor McGonagall told Dumbledore she'll call Jane's parents and also Seamus's dad. He was a doctor. Dumbledore couldn't believe his ears. "Albus, Marie is right, this is serious."
Maggie dialed a number and started talking next to Draco. "Hi auntie, yeah it's me. I need your help, fast." Harry kept switching towels and tought of leading some energy to Jane, see if that helped her.
Once Neville brought her the supplies she asked him to hold the cel for her. "Allright, I'm listening. No, we don't have lidocaine." She took off her belt and told Draco to bite it. He looked at her with mistrust. "Look Malfoy, I'm the closest thing to a doctor we have right now. You're gonna bite that stupid thing and keep it together like a man. This won't hurt a bit." She said that last thing looking at the wound with disguse.
"Yeah, well, how do I remove the bullet? Yeah, I got it." She got some silver scissors, washed them with alcohol and sticked them in this wound. Neville was holding a handerchief around her mouth since she didn't want to spit on his wound or anything. Draco screamed in pain and Harry turned around. Jane was bleeding less and had more colour.
Maggie then realized what he was doing "Harry don't! Stop that right now. That's an order." But Harry wouldn't. "She still has a bullet inside of her, if you close the wound it will stay in. It might get infected." She looked at Jane and extended her hand "Petrificus Totalus."
If she was petrified, she wouldn't bleed, she'd stay catatonic for a while.
She finally removed the bullet from Draco's body. It was a small golden thing. Draco looked at it and her and felt like fainting. She cured the wound. She kept saying ok or yes to whomever was on the phone. After that she stitched is arm and put a bandaid on it. Then she smiled to Draco.
"I'm very proud of you Malfoy." She told Mme. Pomfrey to give him a painkiller and she moved to the next bed, not before washing her hands. She looked at Jane's wound, which was a lot smaller than before thanks to Harry.
"I don't get it. This was muggle inflicted, you shouldn't have been able to do this." Harry looked at her and told her maybe it was a muggle artefact but with some sort of enchantment. Besides that, he was Harry Potter after all.
"Yeah, you are the Golden Boy. Hadn't thought of that." Minerva came into the Hospital Wing saying she hadn't been able to locate Jane or Draco's parents but that a portal was ready to take them to St Mungo's. Seamus' dad will be waiting for them there. She looked at Draco's arm and heard Neville's short description on what just happened.
Minerva smiled with pride and took Jane to the portkey. They vanished after a while. She remembered the cel phone and picked it up. "Thanks auntie, I'll call you later."
"This was definetly not a part of the Auror Test." They sighed and sat on Jane's bed, which was next to Draco's. He had passed out now.
Everything was quite a mess for all of them. Dumbledore not wanting to get a muggle doctor, bullets in Hogwarts, Marie using a celphone to call someone... and that phrase written in blood in the wall...
Too many questions, and yet, no answers.
1 comment:
You're killing me.
(but I like it. BUENNÍSIMO)
BeChO :o)
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