The Ball was canceled due to the attack. All the children were gathered in the Great Hall and slept there, just like on 3rd year.
Neville and Harry joined Hermione and Ron later that same day and told them all about the attacks... or almost all of it.
Late at night Dumbledore called for Harry, who was pretending to be asleep. When he reached his office, he found Marie and Minerva arguing with Dumbledore and Snape. They all shut up when he came in.
"So Harry, you found Jean. Did you see anyone else around?" Harry said he didn't. He still wouldn't say anything about the message on the wall. "Did you see anything else unusual around?" Harry cleared his throat and told them the message on the wall. Maggie went all white.
One of the old Headmasters started talking from his portrait. "Albus, Jean will be fine, Dr. Finnigan just came out of surgery I think is called." They all sighed. He also mentioned her parents were there and will be coming to school when she felt better.
They were too part of the Order and wouldn't disclose any information. Harry then realized there was a lot more going on that he even suspected. Maggie asked if she was needed further because Draco was almost alone in the Hospital Wing and didn't want him to. Dumbledore asked her to stay a bit longer.
"Who do you think is after this attacks Marie?" It was a straight question that needed a straight answer. Snape remained silent looking down. There was something about Marie that made him hush. "I think it was Lucius Malfoy. After all, you hadn't been able to reach him yet."
Dumbledore sniffed dissaprovingly. "Oh dear." But Marie didn't change her expression. "It's the same phrase Albus, it is him." Minerva told her that made no sense, Lucius wouldn't attack his own son. Harry talked "He would if he wants the attention to be driven away from him."
They all stood silent. Snape then talked, still looking down. "I don't think it was Malfoy. He would never use a muggle thing, not even a weapon."
Marie sensed a great feeling of sadness coming from Snape. Almost the same she felt for her parents. "Allright then, if you won't hear my ideas, can I go? I wanna ask Draco if he remembers anything." Still Dumbledore wouldn't excuse her.
Harry was sent away instead, but he wouldn't leave. He had questions.
"The last part of the message mentioned traitors and heirs. Does it refer to the Heir of Slytherin?" They all went silent. "I believe so, the truth is Harry, we don't know what it means yet."But Harry knew. And so did Maggie. And so did Snape.
He would start looking after them, both of them, without them knowing.
Harry left the office with Professor Snape and headed back to the Great Hall. While walking there, Harry asked him about something Marie had mentioned, another attack. Snape was reluctant to talk, but he slipped something. "Years ago, a couple was murdered and part of that phrase was written down in the wall." Harry thanked him for the information and joined his friends, but didn't mention anything about their conversation.
Dumbledore had asked Marie to stay for different reasons. For one, he wanted her to respect his decisions. "She would have died Albus, Minerva agreed with me." The other thing was about the Vampires and who, besides Lucius, she tought might be after the attacks. "I told you already, but if you don't want to believe your precious Malfoy would kill his own son, well at least you have to accept the fact that it was the same person that killed my parents and Mike."
Dumbledore wouldn't. She got up. "Allright, whatever Dumbledore. We have another problem besides this." Minerva looked at her with concern. "Hermione knows about my parents. This whole teacher's character is pointless now." She left them speechless.
When Draco woke up he saw Maggie asleep in a chair next to him. She had brought him back from that limbo he was in somehow and took that awful muggle thing out of his arm. He owed her his life.
He whispered "Professor" and she walked up with a startle and made a blue circle around them, then she realized she had fallen asleep and Draco woke her up, the circle vanished. "Sorry about that. How are you feeling Draco?" He smiled at her and thanked her for saving his life, she mentioned that if it wasn't for Neville's help, she wouldn't have done it. "I'll thank him too when I see him." And Maggie felt thankfullness and kindness coming from him, and that surprised her.
She smiled. "Allright, now that you're up, do you remember anything of your attacker?" Draco started feeling pain in his left arm, she looked at the wound and she saw a small deadmark on it. She went blank for a minute but then she led energy to his arm using both of her hands and chanelled the curse out of Draco.
He sighed and thanked her again. "I don't remember much, whomever attacked us was more interested in Jean I dunno. It was a tiny person, the size of a tall house elf but it had a cloak, a dark cloak." He swallowed. "Like a Deadeater's cloak?" He nodded. "Then it took this black thing that hit my arm and the next thing I know is I'm in some weird limbo and I hear your voice and then I wake up. Sorry."
She smiled at him again and held his hand. "No problem dude, really. Now, we hadn't been able to reach your father, do you know where can he be?" Draco started feeling despise, just like when he was close from Harry. "No idea, probably with that new woman he's seeing, I'm not sure. Still, promess me you won't tell him about this. You'll never get the end of it."
Draco seemed to mistrust his father as much as Maggie did. She promised. "Minerva will want to call him anyway, we'll just tell him you got a bad curse in the Auror Test, allright?" He agreed and then asked her about the test, if it'll be taken again. "Nope, either way, you both passed, vanquised the demons and trolls on your way. I just hope Jean can come back and see it for herself."
Dr. Finnigan came into the Hospital Wing around 7 am. He checked Draco's arm and congratulated Marie for her job. He still wanted to take Draco to St Mungo's to do some X-Ray and maybe put him a casquet for a few days. Draco looked at him with mistrust. Snape came along to go with Draco, and Maggie reasurred both of them that Finnigan knew perfectly well what he was doing. She also told Severus about the Deadmark on Draco's wound, and that the same thing might be happening with Jean.
Draco decided to trust her and walked away followed by Severus.
Marie had just realised of all the things that had happened in the last 24 hours. She wanted to cry and she was terrified of what might happen next. She knew who the traitors were and had a pretty good idea what the graffitti meant when it said Heirs. Minerva held her and she couldn't stop the tears anymore.
"Maggie, listen to me, this is not your fault darling, whoever did this is after Harry, not you, allright?" She kept crying. "I'm going to talk to Albus, we'll find a way to make you a student, this whole thing is ridiculous." Maggie smiled but kept crying, feeling guilty.
She felt guilty and powerless, just like when that Deadeater killed her parents. Maggie took a long breath "Uncle A will never agree, it's allright Minerva really, I'll be fine." But Minerva was tired of all as well.
"I'll change his mind, don't worry dear. I'll call Remus for backup. You'll be one of them."
Neville and Harry joined Hermione and Ron later that same day and told them all about the attacks... or almost all of it.
Late at night Dumbledore called for Harry, who was pretending to be asleep. When he reached his office, he found Marie and Minerva arguing with Dumbledore and Snape. They all shut up when he came in.
"So Harry, you found Jean. Did you see anyone else around?" Harry said he didn't. He still wouldn't say anything about the message on the wall. "Did you see anything else unusual around?" Harry cleared his throat and told them the message on the wall. Maggie went all white.
One of the old Headmasters started talking from his portrait. "Albus, Jean will be fine, Dr. Finnigan just came out of surgery I think is called." They all sighed. He also mentioned her parents were there and will be coming to school when she felt better.
They were too part of the Order and wouldn't disclose any information. Harry then realized there was a lot more going on that he even suspected. Maggie asked if she was needed further because Draco was almost alone in the Hospital Wing and didn't want him to. Dumbledore asked her to stay a bit longer.
"Who do you think is after this attacks Marie?" It was a straight question that needed a straight answer. Snape remained silent looking down. There was something about Marie that made him hush. "I think it was Lucius Malfoy. After all, you hadn't been able to reach him yet."
Dumbledore sniffed dissaprovingly. "Oh dear." But Marie didn't change her expression. "It's the same phrase Albus, it is him." Minerva told her that made no sense, Lucius wouldn't attack his own son. Harry talked "He would if he wants the attention to be driven away from him."
They all stood silent. Snape then talked, still looking down. "I don't think it was Malfoy. He would never use a muggle thing, not even a weapon."
Marie sensed a great feeling of sadness coming from Snape. Almost the same she felt for her parents. "Allright then, if you won't hear my ideas, can I go? I wanna ask Draco if he remembers anything." Still Dumbledore wouldn't excuse her.
Harry was sent away instead, but he wouldn't leave. He had questions.
"The last part of the message mentioned traitors and heirs. Does it refer to the Heir of Slytherin?" They all went silent. "I believe so, the truth is Harry, we don't know what it means yet."But Harry knew. And so did Maggie. And so did Snape.
He would start looking after them, both of them, without them knowing.
Harry left the office with Professor Snape and headed back to the Great Hall. While walking there, Harry asked him about something Marie had mentioned, another attack. Snape was reluctant to talk, but he slipped something. "Years ago, a couple was murdered and part of that phrase was written down in the wall." Harry thanked him for the information and joined his friends, but didn't mention anything about their conversation.
Dumbledore had asked Marie to stay for different reasons. For one, he wanted her to respect his decisions. "She would have died Albus, Minerva agreed with me." The other thing was about the Vampires and who, besides Lucius, she tought might be after the attacks. "I told you already, but if you don't want to believe your precious Malfoy would kill his own son, well at least you have to accept the fact that it was the same person that killed my parents and Mike."
Dumbledore wouldn't. She got up. "Allright, whatever Dumbledore. We have another problem besides this." Minerva looked at her with concern. "Hermione knows about my parents. This whole teacher's character is pointless now." She left them speechless.
When Draco woke up he saw Maggie asleep in a chair next to him. She had brought him back from that limbo he was in somehow and took that awful muggle thing out of his arm. He owed her his life.
He whispered "Professor" and she walked up with a startle and made a blue circle around them, then she realized she had fallen asleep and Draco woke her up, the circle vanished. "Sorry about that. How are you feeling Draco?" He smiled at her and thanked her for saving his life, she mentioned that if it wasn't for Neville's help, she wouldn't have done it. "I'll thank him too when I see him." And Maggie felt thankfullness and kindness coming from him, and that surprised her.
She smiled. "Allright, now that you're up, do you remember anything of your attacker?" Draco started feeling pain in his left arm, she looked at the wound and she saw a small deadmark on it. She went blank for a minute but then she led energy to his arm using both of her hands and chanelled the curse out of Draco.
He sighed and thanked her again. "I don't remember much, whomever attacked us was more interested in Jean I dunno. It was a tiny person, the size of a tall house elf but it had a cloak, a dark cloak." He swallowed. "Like a Deadeater's cloak?" He nodded. "Then it took this black thing that hit my arm and the next thing I know is I'm in some weird limbo and I hear your voice and then I wake up. Sorry."
She smiled at him again and held his hand. "No problem dude, really. Now, we hadn't been able to reach your father, do you know where can he be?" Draco started feeling despise, just like when he was close from Harry. "No idea, probably with that new woman he's seeing, I'm not sure. Still, promess me you won't tell him about this. You'll never get the end of it."
Draco seemed to mistrust his father as much as Maggie did. She promised. "Minerva will want to call him anyway, we'll just tell him you got a bad curse in the Auror Test, allright?" He agreed and then asked her about the test, if it'll be taken again. "Nope, either way, you both passed, vanquised the demons and trolls on your way. I just hope Jean can come back and see it for herself."
Dr. Finnigan came into the Hospital Wing around 7 am. He checked Draco's arm and congratulated Marie for her job. He still wanted to take Draco to St Mungo's to do some X-Ray and maybe put him a casquet for a few days. Draco looked at him with mistrust. Snape came along to go with Draco, and Maggie reasurred both of them that Finnigan knew perfectly well what he was doing. She also told Severus about the Deadmark on Draco's wound, and that the same thing might be happening with Jean.
Draco decided to trust her and walked away followed by Severus.
Marie had just realised of all the things that had happened in the last 24 hours. She wanted to cry and she was terrified of what might happen next. She knew who the traitors were and had a pretty good idea what the graffitti meant when it said Heirs. Minerva held her and she couldn't stop the tears anymore.
"Maggie, listen to me, this is not your fault darling, whoever did this is after Harry, not you, allright?" She kept crying. "I'm going to talk to Albus, we'll find a way to make you a student, this whole thing is ridiculous." Maggie smiled but kept crying, feeling guilty.
She felt guilty and powerless, just like when that Deadeater killed her parents. Maggie took a long breath "Uncle A will never agree, it's allright Minerva really, I'll be fine." But Minerva was tired of all as well.
"I'll change his mind, don't worry dear. I'll call Remus for backup. You'll be one of them."
Two days had passed with no lessons, and no excursions off grounds, not even out of the Great Hall. The doors opened and Minerva came in, followed by Maggie, who was wearing a black cloak. That didn't seem like a good sign.
Dumbledore was missing and so was Professor Snape & Professor Flitwick. The children had no news about Draco or Jean and not many people knew what had happened. Minerva sat down at the Headmaster's chair and Maggie approached to the tables. She cleared her throat and started talking.
"Good morning. As some of you may know, the Auror Tests were taken on Monday, and two of our students were unfortunately hurt." Harry could see the tears in her eyes. "Both Draco Malfoy and Jean Marx are currently at St Mungo's Hospital being looked after by the Heads of their Houses, their parents, doctors and healers. Draco will be back at Hogwarts by the end of the week. As of Jean..." Her voice broke.
"Jean is very sick. She has entered a comma, which in wizard language is like being asleep under a curse. The doctors are not sure when or if she'll leave that comma." She sighed and kept talking. "In the views of what happened, the Ministry has been consulted and it's been decided that the school will remain opened since it was just an unfortuned event. Professor Dumbledore due to personal issues will remain in this school but our Deputy Headmistress will take over his position for the time being. As of me, I'll be the Head of Gryffindor until Professor Lupin join us, also by the end of the week."
The room was silent. Everyone of them knew there was more to it than what she had said. She hushed, looked at the Gryffindor table and asked Hermione for a word.
"I need your help." Hermione looked at her with dismay. Maggie took her away from her table. "Harry is in danger, whatever attacked on monday we'll return, look after him." She took off to the teacher's table. Hermione stayed on the spot for a moment looking at her, realizing Marie liked Harry, and that she was in pain as much as he was.
"I've been a fool."
Her friends came towards her asking what happened, but she lied saying that the security measures were high and that Marie wanted her help until Lupin came back. Harry didn't believe her. He zipped a little bit of alcohol and kept staring at Maggie.
Classes were dull and bored and most of the teachers were covering for others, even Hermione covered for Professor Flitwick during the week. Neville was named deputy Headboy until Draco came back and was in his full capabilities, which happened on Friday.
He was brought to school by Professor Snape and Professor Lupin. They entered the Great Hall during lunch, and all the student applauded Draco coming in. Maggie run to Remus and they hugged each other twirling. "As soon as I found out about the attack I had to come and see you." Maggie was extremely happy of having him at Hogwarts.
Draco joined his table and even the Gryffindors were happy for him. Lupin sat on a chair between Minerva and Maggie and kept giggling and talking to her. Both Harry and Neville were jealous of him, but for different reasons.
Later that day Professor Flitwick came to Hogwarts, with relatevely good news. Jean had woken up from the comma but she had no recollection of what happened... during the last year. It was a very odd side effect of a bullet, or even of the curse.
Classes went back to normal and so did the teachers, though students could sense that everyone was on guard, expecting something to happen.
"I'm glad to be back at Hogwarts. I hope you welcome Professor Lupin once again in our midst since he is one of the best teachers this school has ever seen, and we can never have enough help in teaching." Dumbledore coughed severily, it was being obvious for every student that he was very sick. "Allright allright, well, the Ball and the Quidditch tournament have been postponed long enough, so the games will begin this weekend, and the Ball we'll be on October 16th, you have almost 2 weeks to find your partners." He smiled at the Ravenclaw's table, where Jean was sitten down. "We have many thing to party upon. Both Mr. Malfoy and Miss Grey are back among us and Professor Lupin is joining us." He meant to say something else, but Minerva coughed making him stop. Dumbledore waved at all the students and sat back in his chair.
Snape was not pleased at all to see him around, and neither was Draco. He liked werewolves even less than mudblods (even though he was sure Marie was a mudblood and had saved his life).
Two days had passed with no lessons, and no excursions off grounds, not even out of the Great Hall. The doors opened and Minerva came in, followed by Maggie, who was wearing a black cloak. That didn't seem like a good sign.
Dumbledore was missing and so was Professor Snape & Professor Flitwick. The children had no news about Draco or Jean and not many people knew what had happened. Minerva sat down at the Headmaster's chair and Maggie approached to the tables. She cleared her throat and started talking.
"Good morning. As some of you may know, the Auror Tests were taken on Monday, and two of our students were unfortunately hurt." Harry could see the tears in her eyes. "Both Draco Malfoy and Jean Marx are currently at St Mungo's Hospital being looked after by the Heads of their Houses, their parents, doctors and healers. Draco will be back at Hogwarts by the end of the week. As of Jean..." Her voice broke.
"Jean is very sick. She has entered a comma, which in wizard language is like being asleep under a curse. The doctors are not sure when or if she'll leave that comma." She sighed and kept talking. "In the views of what happened, the Ministry has been consulted and it's been decided that the school will remain opened since it was just an unfortuned event. Professor Dumbledore due to personal issues will remain in this school but our Deputy Headmistress will take over his position for the time being. As of me, I'll be the Head of Gryffindor until Professor Lupin join us, also by the end of the week."
The room was silent. Everyone of them knew there was more to it than what she had said. She hushed, looked at the Gryffindor table and asked Hermione for a word.
"I need your help." Hermione looked at her with dismay. Maggie took her away from her table. "Harry is in danger, whatever attacked on monday we'll return, look after him." She took off to the teacher's table. Hermione stayed on the spot for a moment looking at her, realizing Marie liked Harry, and that she was in pain as much as he was.
"I've been a fool."
Her friends came towards her asking what happened, but she lied saying that the security measures were high and that Marie wanted her help until Lupin came back. Harry didn't believe her. He zipped a little bit of alcohol and kept staring at Maggie.
Classes were dull and bored and most of the teachers were covering for others, even Hermione covered for Professor Flitwick during the week. Neville was named deputy Headboy until Draco came back and was in his full capabilities, which happened on Friday.
He was brought to school by Professor Snape and Professor Lupin. They entered the Great Hall during lunch, and all the student applauded Draco coming in. Maggie run to Remus and they hugged each other twirling. "As soon as I found out about the attack I had to come and see you." Maggie was extremely happy of having him at Hogwarts.
Draco joined his table and even the Gryffindors were happy for him. Lupin sat on a chair between Minerva and Maggie and kept giggling and talking to her. Both Harry and Neville were jealous of him, but for different reasons.
Later that day Professor Flitwick came to Hogwarts, with relatevely good news. Jean had woken up from the comma but she had no recollection of what happened... during the last year. It was a very odd side effect of a bullet, or even of the curse.
Classes went back to normal and so did the teachers, though students could sense that everyone was on guard, expecting something to happen.
"I'm glad to be back at Hogwarts. I hope you welcome Professor Lupin once again in our midst since he is one of the best teachers this school has ever seen, and we can never have enough help in teaching." Dumbledore coughed severily, it was being obvious for every student that he was very sick. "Allright allright, well, the Ball and the Quidditch tournament have been postponed long enough, so the games will begin this weekend, and the Ball we'll be on October 16th, you have almost 2 weeks to find your partners." He smiled at the Ravenclaw's table, where Jean was sitten down. "We have many thing to party upon. Both Mr. Malfoy and Miss Grey are back among us and Professor Lupin is joining us." He meant to say something else, but Minerva coughed making him stop. Dumbledore waved at all the students and sat back in his chair.
Snape was not pleased at all to see him around, and neither was Draco. He liked werewolves even less than mudblods (even though he was sure Marie was a mudblood and had saved his life).
Draco made that point quite obvious during that afternoon lesson. It was one of the last Maggie would give on her own. "Professor, I understand what you say about Lupin, but he IS a werewolf. I don't think 1st years' parents will want a werewolf teaching their children." Maggie got upset.
She couldn't believe Draco would tell her that. Harry wanted to talk on Lupin's behalf but she wouldn't let him "Look Malfoy, we are all aware that Remus is... special. And so are the parents, besides, the Ministry agreed and so did the parents. And Hogwarts might not be as safe as it used to be, but there's NO chance a teacher would hurt a student, even if they are different 3 days per month. Understood?" Draco nodded.
At the end of the class, Neville gave Draco his Head Boy badge back, but Draco wouldn't accept it. "I never thanked you for saving my life Longbottom." Neville looked surprised at him and so did Harry and Hermione, who were right next to him. "I'm in no condition to be Head Boy, you should, you've done great so far. See you around." He smiled at Neville and walked away.
Harry looked at Maggie, who was smiling at Neville and Draco proudly. "So Harry, ready to rock?" "Huh?" Maggie giggled (she kept on giggling a lot since Remus had joined them). "I meant if you're ready for Saturday's game, remember? Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw?"
Harry had completaly forgotten about Quidditch, he excused himself and went away looking for Ron, but Hermione stayed. "Can I have a word with you Professor?" Maggie said she couldn't since she was in a hurry.
Hermione didn't know what to do. She hadn't received an answer from Romania, she felt Marie and Harry liked each other, but still, she couldn't trust her. She was a teacher using a fake name and even if she wasn't so bad after all, she had to know what she was about.
She couldn't believe Draco would tell her that. Harry wanted to talk on Lupin's behalf but she wouldn't let him "Look Malfoy, we are all aware that Remus is... special. And so are the parents, besides, the Ministry agreed and so did the parents. And Hogwarts might not be as safe as it used to be, but there's NO chance a teacher would hurt a student, even if they are different 3 days per month. Understood?" Draco nodded.
At the end of the class, Neville gave Draco his Head Boy badge back, but Draco wouldn't accept it. "I never thanked you for saving my life Longbottom." Neville looked surprised at him and so did Harry and Hermione, who were right next to him. "I'm in no condition to be Head Boy, you should, you've done great so far. See you around." He smiled at Neville and walked away.
Harry looked at Maggie, who was smiling at Neville and Draco proudly. "So Harry, ready to rock?" "Huh?" Maggie giggled (she kept on giggling a lot since Remus had joined them). "I meant if you're ready for Saturday's game, remember? Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw?"
Harry had completaly forgotten about Quidditch, he excused himself and went away looking for Ron, but Hermione stayed. "Can I have a word with you Professor?" Maggie said she couldn't since she was in a hurry.
Hermione didn't know what to do. She hadn't received an answer from Romania, she felt Marie and Harry liked each other, but still, she couldn't trust her. She was a teacher using a fake name and even if she wasn't so bad after all, she had to know what she was about.
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